Our Aims & Objectives

The aims and objectives of our Federation are:

a) the wise use and management of New Brunswick furbearers and their habitat.

b) the enhancement and sustainable development of the fur resources of New Brunswick.

c) to promote fur harvester and public education.

d) to co-operate with and support the work of National, Provincial and Regional public authorities and organizations whose interests and objectives are similar to those of this Federation.

e) to encourage the organisation and affiliation of Fur Harvester Councils and individuals in all parts of the Province.

f) to support fur harvesters in their lawful harvesting activities. 

The Federation operates through a network of 10 local Councils throughout the Province.  Each Council has an elected Director of the NBTFHF whom, together with the elected executive of the Federation, form the Board of Directors and meet at least 4 times per year. An annual general meeting and Convention is held each year, usually in January.


The NBTFHF Board of Directors has representation on the following Boards: Fur Institute of Canada, Canadian Trap Standards, New Brunswick Wildlife Trust Fund and the New Brunswick Fish & Wildlife Commission.


Through close co-operation with the Provincial Department of Energy & Resource Development, our Councils provide voluntary instructors for the Trapper Education course, which has been mandatory for all first time trappers since 1995.


Through resolutions which are passed at our annual general meeting each year, the Federation works with DERD to try and change trapping regulations where deemed appropriate and biologically sound.


We also provide to each member a $3500.00 Accidental Death & Dismemberment insurance policy underwritten by AIL Insurance Company.  This is provided at absolutely no cost to our members.